My Battle With Postpartum Anxiety

My Battle With Postpartum Anxiety

I debated about writing this for a while. This feels like a battle I’ve struggled with for a long time, but I know I’m not alone in this. So… here we go.

Postpartum Anxiety.

In all honesty? It never crossed my mind that it was something I would have to battle. But statistically, 1 in every 5 women get diagnosed with mental health issues during pregnancy or after labor and delivery. It’s hard to deal with something that you can’t see. There were many times where I was talking to my husband trying to figure out where “the line” was. What’s the line between normal mom anxiety and postpartum anxiety? Is anxiety even normal to have or is it something to take note of?

Yes, it is a thing.

I didn’t even consider it a problem until I was talking to a friend about my concerns. I was telling her I was so consumed with the thought that something bad would happen to my daughter. At night, I would lay awake just watching her making sure she slept soundly. I remember laying there in my worries trying to drown them out by worship and prayer. She had gently mentioned to me that it sounded like I was struggling with postpartum anxiety. She began to reassure me that many woman go through it and it’s not anything to be embarrassed by. It’s definitely something to seek help on.

At my 6 week appointment I had broke down to my doctor. Through the tears I told her how tired I was and scared I was. With my hormones still raging from giving birth and the nerves of being a new mom I just broke down. After a little bit, she gave me a list of therapists and encouraged me to look. I did, but still haven’t found one, unfortunately. I’m still looking!

Here today, still sometimes here tomorrow.

In all honesty, I don’t have any advice to say in this blog. I’m still going through the thick of this one. There are times where I feel that the anxiety has “gone away” but then there are moments where I question if it’s still a battle I’m facing.

I purely just wanted to write this to let you know you’re not alone. This isn’t anything to be embarrassed by or ashamed of. Find something to cling to. My relationship with Jesus has been my rock. I trust the Father and trust He has my daughter in His hands.

So, if this is you, know that I’m right there with you. Come on this journey with me and let’s learn together. Take comfort in the fact that you are allowed to not know everything.

You got this, mama.

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Summer Lynn